Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Misinformation at Tea-Time

One of the misunderstandings fueling the so-called tea party movement is the "fact" that rural states in the internal areas of the country are paying extraordinarily high taxes to fund the wasteful spending and profligacy of the socialist coastal states with the biggest cities (and minority populations).

As Ben McGrath records in The Movement, a retired Kentucky engineer cum tea party organizer explained at a rally rally in horse country,
The district’s congressional representative, Geoff Davis, brought up the proposed cap-and-trade legislation favored by Democrats, and called it an “economic colonization of the hardworking states that produce the energy, the food, and the manufactured goods of the heartland, to take that and pay for social programs in the large coastal states.

This is just another of the many convenient untruths fueling the frothing imaginations of the conservative televiewers.

Read more: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/02/01/100201fa_fact_mcgrath#ixzz0gNlsTgxD

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